Wow, it is 10:15 p.m. and I am just now able to get my Thursday post done. I know that in some places it is already Friday, so, sorry.
Big is not feeling well today. Actually, she has not felt well for a few days. She finally went to see the Doctor today and found out that she has an infection in her lungs and "junk" (medical term used by her Doctor) up her nose. She is on an antibiotic and steroids. She has COPD and asthma and is prone to get upper respiratory infections often. It has been a good while since she has been sick and I hope she is better soon. She is a bad patient!
The Baby finally ended it with her boyfriend. Of course, that could change tomorrow, but for now it is over. Her heart is broken and I wish I could fix it. But this is something I can't fix and she will have to figure it out by herself. I know that all of you Moms know how I feel. I feel very helpless. She knows that I am here for her and that is all I can do.
We have had some major rain storms here today. We are currently under a flash flood warning. I think warning is worse that watch. I can never remember. I would probably still be trying to figure it out as the house was floating down the river. Luckily, we live high on a hill and don't really have much of a worry of flooding.
I was recently a participant in a pot holder swap. I showed a photo of the pot holder I sent her. I got my package from her yesterday and boy was it great! Tina spoiled me and I loved every minute of it.
Here is a photo of all of my goodies. There are two pot holders, a large hot pad, some candles, some lovely tea, two dish towels, 2 magnets, a neat little chap stick holder/key chain, some note cards, a pencil and a puzzle book. Oh my God, don't let me forget to mention the candy! Have you ever had Nips? I have never tried them before but they will be on my list now.

Don't you just love these magnets?

This will end up on my key chain tomorrow. I always have chapped lips in the winter and this will be handy!

We take The Baby back to school on Sunday. I am going to miss her so much. Enough said about that.
Well, it is almost 11:00 p.m. now and my eyes are beginning to cross. I am off to bed, I hope you all had a good Thursday. Tomorrow, I am going to post about some great Thrift Shop/Garage Sale items I found. I am so excited about them!
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