Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Knitting for Helga

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. I have read some of your blogs and it looks like a lot of fun was had celebrating Independence Day. We did a little yard work (Sunday is mowing day), had some BBQ chicken, macaroni salad and watermelon and then wrapped up the evening by watching fireworks on television. Why watch them on television you may ask. The fireworks in our town were held on the 3rd of July, not the 4th! Who does that? Really, what is the deal. Needless to say, I was a little upset that we missed the live show, but the TV fireworks weren't too bad.

Anyway, on to my knitting project for Helga. Helga is my cousin who lives in England. We found out last year that she has lung cancer. She underwent chemo and radiation, but it spread to her brain. She won't tell us how long she has to live - she is just taking every day and making the most of it. I am very proud of her for her attitude. She and her long time boyfriend will be on their way to Dubai in a week for, what she calls, the vacation of a lifetime.

Helga and I have never been very close. Much of the reason for this has been the miles and miles between us. When I was young, my Mother, Brother and I lived with Helga's family for a year while my Father was stationed in Korea. I saw her again when my Dad was stationed in Germany. She spent a week with my family about 6 years ago and we went to visit her about 3 years ago. Although we are not close, I feel very sad for her. I think of her often and try to e-mail every few days to let her know we are thinking of her.

So, on to the good part of the blog. While we were visiting Gt. Yarmouth, Big asked to use Helga's iron (Big irons everything). Helga pulled out her iron and ironing board, set it up and then watched Big begin to iron. She had a grin on her face the whole time. Let me explain why. Her ironing board cover has picture of a good looking, well built man on it. He has a towel wrapped around his middle. When his towel gets hot from the iron, it disappears and his manly bits show! Anyway, Big got busy with her ironing and when she picked her shirt up from the board, she got a big (and I mean, big) surprise! Helga was laughing so hard I am surprised she didn't pee herself. Of course, the rest of us had to run and see what was going on and then we were all laughing. So with that story in mind, when I saw this pattern, I immediately thought of her. Please be aware, this is an X-rated pattern, so don't look if you are sensitive to that type of thing! I hope this makes her laugh and takes her mind off all of the sadness she is dealing with right now.

Hope you all have a wonderful day - I am off to clean house and then to more knitting! Hope to get Helga's gift in the mail in the next day or so.

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Shevvy said...

I'm sure that will give her a good laugh and I hope she has a lovely trip to Dubai.
Its a horrible disease and in the brain can do some very odd things. It sounds like she has the very best attitude and you have some great memories of her. Thats all you can hold on to at times x

Michelle said...

Drat! It looks like I need a password to get in. In any case, I love the story of the disappearing towel. Too funny. Cool that you are making something so she can have a laugh. That's two gifts in one.

Shay said...

I cant see it either but it sounds deliciously risque.

I am really sorry to hear about Helga's illness but it sounds like she's living life no matter what! You just have to admire that level of guts.

Marg said...

SOrry to hear about Helga, I hope she has a lovely time in Dubai. I hope she likes the heat though as it is usually around 110 -120 degrees there every day at this time of the year, and no that isn't a typo.
I love the ironing board story.