I have been working hard to update both of my blogs. I really like the linen background on this blog. I am also very impressed with myself for figuring out how to put Home Matters 1st in the center of the header!
I am sure you think The Baby helped me out with this. Well, you would be wrong! I did it all by myself! (I am patting myself on the back now!)
I also added the social media buttons. Please let me know if you try to follow me to a certain area and it doesn't work. Our Internet is on overload, we have 4 computers and 2 i phones trying to get the most out of it!
Another great thing this week, has been the 2 packages (yes, 2) that I received from P. at The Way I Sew It. If you remember, I sent her a t-shirt not too long ago. She was more than generous and kind and gifted me with The Pioneer Woman Cooks cookbook, a pastry blender (I talked about wanting one and she remembered!) and a stem gem! She is the best! Thank you so much P.
Move over Julia, there is a new woman in town! |
I have had my eye on this book for quite some time. I would drool over it at the bookstore and then decide I didn't need to spend the money on it. I am so happy with this and I know there will be many of Ree's dishes on our table.
These meatballs look so great! I think they may be the perfect meal.
Beautiful photographs |
I am in love with this pastry blender and will have to put a pie on the menu. I just finished a Blueberry Nectarine Pie for a challenge and posted about it at Feeding Big. Big is "watching her waistline" and has declared she will only eat sweets once a week.
I am now ready for strawberry season! P. said this is good for tomatoes also. Has anyone used one before? I can't wait to try it.
I am working on my etsy shop also. Since our Internet is on "slow" it is taking me longer than I had hoped to get the photos up. I will let you know when they are ready! To be honest, I am a bit scared! I am muddling through though!
Thanks for stopping by!