It was my 35th ... 43rd... well, lets just say I had a birthday on the 18th of November. Big left work early and we went shopping and out to eat. It was a great day. The next day I had lunch with my buds Lisa and Heidi. We ate at a Mexican food restaurant. Our waitress put sombreros on us and brought us fried ice cream! It was great! Heidi snapped a photo of Lisa and myself with the hats and a glob of whipped cream on our nose. Sorry it is not the greatest photo! We had a really good time.

This is a photo of a really great Thanksgiving turkey. It was delicious - we still have a few leftovers, yum.

Tomorrow I will be staying home and sewing. I have a lot of crafty catching up to do. I will be posting photos of my progress.
Hope everyone is doing well!
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Well, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you!! It looks like you had a lot of fun! Mine's coming up very soon, and Dear Daughter was just asking where I wanted to go for dinner this year! So while I don't like talking numbers either, I AM looking forward to the night out with my kids! Gee... I don't think the place I picked has sombreros, though!... not the kind you WEAR anyways; but if they serve the ones you drink, I think I can work with that! ~tina
Happy Birthday Cynthia. It looks like you were having a great time. Sneaky that you didn't tell us beforehand.
That looks like a very delicious turkey. Turkey leftovers go on forever.
When are we going to see the "magical" scarf?
Happy Birthday Ms. Cynthia. If I had known I would have come out with your and your BFF's and had some tequila shots!
Turkey ...mmmmmm
Happy Belated Birthday!! Glad you had fun. I love a good visit with friends. Lane
Happy Birthday, Cynthia! Looks like you were having a blast. So are you on the left or the right?
Happy belated birthday. That turkey looks good. I have never cooked a full turkey. We have a very hot Christmas usually, so having the oven on for long periods is not a good idea. One Christmas maybe....with A.C full on. You girls look great in your sombreros. Di
I had a great time and can not waite to get together with you and our girl Heidi again! Love you!!!
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