I want to say thanks to all of you who are viewing my video. I had a good time with it and I am glad that everyone is enjoying it! I love Ms. P to death, but I am hoping she doesn't find some other vile thing that I must taste!
More later, got to work on my table runners!!
Absolutely hilarious, I just love it! I mentioned in my other comment, though I'm not from WV, we do live in the state, and my husband IS from WV. In fact, he and his brothers played most of their sports (baseball and basketball) in Buchannon. They are all now in their early 30s, so it was through the 80s and 90s that they were played sports around there. (They went to Barbour Co scbools, but played a lot of league sports outside of their school.)
Just funny that I found your blog, a practical neighbor, through a blog in AUSTRALIA! What a crazy world, this blogging world!
I can't wait to read your posts as you write them, excellent blog!
Did Mrs P forget to mention that side effect? Still chuckling. All I can say is ....I warned you!!!!!!!!!
viewed your video, funny.... Is Vegemite similar to Marmite? I am originally from the UK and I just love Marmite. I always have a jar in my fridge, nice on bread and butter.
Yeah sorry about that ...should have said something...lol
If you only ate a little bit of vegemite you can probably tweeze those hairs out..unlike me who has to take a wax bath once a week.
Wait till you see what the Tim Tams do. Their magical property is to give you a J -Lo arse...
I ate Vegemite on my toast for years...so that is where that straggly hair on my jaw comes from!! Hugely funny.
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