Yeah, I said it, yesterday sucked! Here's what lead up to Friday totally sucking.
Tuesday, I went to see Dr. Rasputin, who was semi-friendly, and got my staples out. He said my tumor was the biggest he had seen - he was disappointed he had not taken pictures. (Marg, I am sure you are happy about that!). It weighed about 6 lbs.
Thursday, we had to drive to Morgantown (two hours away) so that Big could see the Sports Medicine Dr. and get a shot in the ripped bicep! Don't ask - it is a long story that has to do with a 500lb tire! We then went to a couple stores (minor amounts of walking) and then to dinner with friends (tried to drink a beer, but it didn't taste right - that pissed me off). We left the house at 11:00 a.m. and returned at 8:30 p.m. I thought I was handling it well, but when I woke up Friday morning, I was so worn out. I got up, drank my coffee, ate my Cheerios and went back to bed. I stayed there all day long! I got up to pee and walk around the house a little. I took two naps! Naps piss me off! I don't take naps (well apparently I do, but not usually). I am sick of being in a state of recovery. I am not a person who does well with other people doing everything for her. I don't like to sit around all day - waste of my time. I don't like to be coddled. I want to walk my dog, clean my house, drive my car, etc. I don't want to hear "you can't" anymore. Grrrrr.....
I can't even think clear enough to write this blog. I think I have read over it about 10 times and I am still not sure if it makes sense. You know how people say men's brains are in their penis? Well, I am beginning to think mine was in my uterus. You know that 6 lbs. I mentioned earlier - I think that was my brain!
Oh yeah, another thing that made me angry, yesterday was a Quilt Shop Hop. I really wanted to go, but couldn't. I couldn't imagine sitting in the freaking car for 5 hours to look at freaking material. (Boy, you know I am bad if I say freaking material) Sometimes, I just hate living in a rural area. You just can't get in a car and "zip over" to anyplace. Everything is at least an hour away!
Sorry for my ranting, thanks for listening, I love you guys .... but yesterday still sucked!!
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