I should have written this post a long time ago. I can't keep up with two blogs at one time.
I will be closing HomeMatters down and only focusing my energy on FeedingBig.com. I hope you will follow me there. I will keep up with all of you and I hope you will keep up with me!
Thanks so much, I love all of you!
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Monday, October 15, 2012
Quick Post
I have been cleaning up some of the loose ends in my studio and thought I would share a photo or two.
I love the color and look forward to finishing it up. I have one little area to paint, but need Big's help and she is out of town (again).
While moving things around, I came across this photo of the baby. She and I used to live in a little "shot gun" duplex. As you can see, we had built in shelves and The Baby, loved to crawl in them and play. Isn't she a cutie? She still has that baby blanket and pillow. It is at home waiting for her to graduate from college.
Remember this horror?
It started to become this wonderfulness!
Here is a finished part of the room. I don't remember what these little areas are called. Do you know? Anyway, there is an old sewing machine in the space now. The machine was a gift from a good friend - thanks Lisa!
I will post more photos as I get the room ready. I have been doing a lot of sewing and have not taken much time to organize. At least the Pepto Bismol pink is gone!
Oh yeah, look what I had for dinner!
Sunday, October 14, 2012
State Fair of Virginia
I am cheating a little bit today! I have been really busy with many projects, that I haven't had much time to blog. I am involved in a Christmas Giveaway and am working my fingers to the bone to get some sewing done for it. I am excited about it, but not quit ready to share what I am making. I will post about it when the time is right!
So I decided I want to
share my experience at the State Fair of Virginia. It is pertinent to this blog, not only because it is about me and this blog is about me, but also because I got to meet a blogging friend.
Ann and I have been blog friends for over a year. She and I have created a nice friendship. When we moved to VA, I found out she was only a couple of hours away from us. We decided to use the State Fair as a meeting point!
So here you go - The State Fair of Virginia!
We were able to get to the fair before the
crowds got there!
I had such a good time! I am not a ride
person, they make me ill. I do enjoy watching others while they
One of my favorite things about the fair is the animals!
Love these little pigs! |
This little guy was very curious and got right up to the camera |
The goats are so cute! |
At one time we owned 8 chickens. I miss them so much! |
Of course, one of the best things about a fair
is the food. I ate a gyro sandwich and for desert, I had fried Reese Peanut
Butter Cups and Fried Oreo Cookies! Actually, I brought the Fried Oreo Cookies
home. They are very rich and you can't eat to much of this type of
Fried Oreos! |
Fried Reese Peanut Butter Cups! |
I have been blogging for a few years on another
site, and it is there, that I met my friend Ann. She and I were finally able to
meet up and speak with each other face to face! I loved that. Sorry about the
photo - I am still figuring my camera out!
My friend Ann and
I! |
We spent the day
looking at quilts and other handcrafts, eating food that would normally not be a
part of our diet, and enjoying the animals. It was a good day! Hope you had a
wonderful day also! Thanks for stopping by.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Sewing Expo
Yes, I know, it has been a long time. I bet you thought I dropped off the face of the earth, yet again!
I have been busy doing a lot of things. The type of things that keep you busy all day long and then at the end of the day you say, "What the heck did I accomplish?!?" You know that feeling.
Well, I am back. And I want to share something fun that Big and I did last week.
I went to a Sewing Expo! I was super excited to go and yet a bit let down when we got there. The best part of the whole thing was when I saw a vendor that I had met in WV at a quilt show 2 years ago. She sells wonderful fabric.
There were some very nice quilts displayed, but none knocked my socks off.
I was very taken with the grouping of mini quilts that had a theme of, "Wine in Virginia." You know I love me some wine!
Big had a favorite. This quilt was made out of two panels. The panel in the center was uncut and the other panel was cut into large flowers to be placed in the border.
This one caught my eye. I like the strips of fabric running to the center with pinwheels.
There was a very interesting display of quilts that depicted what racism meant to the quilter.
This display of mini quilts was interesting also. I was standing close to them and thought, "hmm..these are placed so close to each other." While I was thinking this, a "White glove" lady came by and told me to stand back to view them. She then told me each quilter had two colors that had to be incorporated in such a way that they would join the quilts to each side of them. I found it to be a cool idea.
Well, I hope you enjoyed this little journey. I will be back. I have been busy with my other blog - Feeding Big. I find it easier to blog about cooking, there is not a lot of personal sharing going on. I have missed everyone and want to reconnect.
Chat with you soon!

Friday, September 7, 2012
At First I Was Afraid, I Was Petrified
I survived, I survived. Hey, Hey
The MIL is gone and I am hoping life will get back to normal. What ever that may be.
Next week I will be painting my sewing studio. I will have to get really serious about all of my sewing projects then. No more excuses.
I want to share a few photos of "The Visit" with you.
Big's Mom loves to pull weeds, so I let her have at it. She even made Big get dirty!
Yeah, that is how I roll. I make my company pull weeds! Wanna come visit?
Can you believe Big came out of this little woman? Big's Mom weighs all of 83 pounds. Big is not overweight, but you would never guess they are Mother and Child. (For some reason I was into taking photos of peoples back sides that day!)
We decided to take the MIL to D.C. for a day. We warned her it would require a lot of walking. We saw the Lincoln Memorial and the White House. That was it.
There is something special about being close to the White House. It doesn't matter what your political beliefs are. There is a sense of .... pride, I think would be the right word.
It was hotter than Hades that day. I think it registered 101 F. I am not sure what Celsius it would be, but trust me, it was HOT. Even this little fellow tried to do what he could to cool off.
Ok, I just have to say it, "Run, Forest, Run." Don't you think of that movie when you see this photo? If you don't know what I am talking about, go out and rent the movie, Forest Gump. You will love it.
My father fought in the Vietnam War and this memorial always gets to me when I see it.
Those are the highlights of the visit. We did some canning and a lot of visiting. I kept making up reasons for Big to go to the store with her Mom, so I could have a few minutes of peace and quiet. Big was a good sport about it all.
I will be sharing photos of our extremely long trip to take the MIL home. I think I am still recuperating from the 1600 mile, 24 hour (on the road) and two day ordeal. I have come to realize, I am no longer as young as I think I am.
Hope all is well with everyone. I missed you all and am off to catch up with you!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012
As you know, Big's mother is here. That means we are running around seeing the sites of D.C. and there is not much time for anything else.
I just wanted you all to know I appreciate all of you being my friends and hope you stick around!
I will check on all of you when I can and will be back soon!

Friday, August 24, 2012
Read the Instructions
I have been a bit tired this week. Every day I get up, get busy and don't stop till I drop. The sad thing is, it doesn't look like I have done much! Oh well!
Photo from the book |
Last night, I decided I would cut the fabric for the Diamonds at Large quilt. I began to match up rectangles and decide which colors would match up the best. I glanced at the instructions and saw that I needed to make a cut from the top left to the bottom right.
I began cutting.
I got a bit distracted.
I started to cut top right to bottom left.
I realized I screwed up when my pieces would not match! I took a few moments to actually read the instructions.
I walked away.
I finally got the pieces cut properly. I made sure I read the instructions. I made sure I followed the instructions.
Paint has been purchased for the big redo of my studio. I decided to go with Warm Stone by Glidden. I have only gotten as far as getting the paint in the studio. No paint has gotten on the wall yet!
At least I bought the paint!
I will be cleaning house like a crazy woman for the next couple of days. If you remember, the MIL is coming!
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend and get a lot accomplished!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012
I am a Shut In
I am a shut in.
I am a recluse.
I am a hermit.
The first step to recovery it to admit it.
Please don't worry. There is nothing wrong with me. I am not depressed. I am not mentally ill (well...).
I love my home and I have such long lists of things to accomplish, that I don't mind not leaving the house. I am glad that I have the CSA to pickup on Wednesdays. If it weren't for that, I would probably never leave!
The dog is out of food. I need to go to the store and get her some. I am wondering if I should fix her a steak instead. I mean, I have to go out tomorrow, can't I just get it then? Perhaps she would enjoy cat food! I am sure I can dig in the refrigerator and find some leftovers she would enjoy.
I also need to get some paint for my studio. I was going to go yesterday, but got busy with other things and didn't make it out of the house. It will wait until tomorrow.
Speaking of my studio. Big and I moved some furniture around and pulled some of it away from the walls in preparation for the big paint job. This is what it looks like now!
I spent some time on Sunday replacing the electric outlets in the room. All of them were worn out and things wouldn't stay plugged in!
I am always impressed with myself when I do "home" repairs! Well, I am off to make some Pop Overs for my Tuesdays with Dorie post. Look for it at Feeding Big.
As always, thanks so much for stopping by.

Saturday, August 18, 2012
Date Night, MIL and a Quilt in the Planning
It is late Saturday evening and my mind is beginning to get a bit fuzzy, so forgive me if this post is all over the place. Big and I went to see a movie today. It is rare we spend that kind of money to watch a movie. The remake of Total Recall was playing and Big is a fan of the movie and a bigger fan of Jessica Biel. ![]() |
Source: sawfnews.com |
Big told me she wanted to take me on a "date." I am not sure if watching a movie about people killing each other in the future is my idea of a date, but what the hell! I don't get out much! I didn't mind the movie and Big loved it, so all is well.
Early Monday morning, Big will be leaving for the state of Pennsylvania. The land of the Amish. The land of beautiful quilts and fabric that you don't have to take a second mortgage out to afford. I wish I could go with her. I would love to shop while she was working.
Alas, I can't go. I have to stay here to prepare for ........ a visit from The Mother-In-Law!!!! Need I say more? There is a possibility the MIL will not be coming for a visit. If that is the case, Big will not be home for two weeks.
I have been lining projects up to keep myself busy for the next couple of weeks. Of course, you know there will be a re-do of the sewing studio.
I am also planning on making a quilt from this fabric. I purchased two layer cakes and some backing fabric, while in Lancaster, PA a couple of years ago. I love the colors.
I found out the book, "Layer Cake, Jelly Roll and Charm Quilts" by Pam and Nicky Lintott at the library. I am planning on using the pattern titled, "Diamonds at Large." It will be an easy and fun quilt to put together.
I am off for now. Almost time for bed! Hope you had a wonderful day. Thanks for dropping by and I hope you come back!

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