Hello, my name is Cynthia and I am a homemaker. (I feel like an AA member)
As you all know, I joined the working force in November of 2010. The goal was to make a little extra money to pay some bills off and get out of the house more often. I told Big and The Baby, that I wouldn't let it interfere with my family.
Working has not only interfered with my family, but also my home. I think I am more stressed out now than I was before working. Please don't get me wrong, I don't mind what I do and I don't mind the lady I work with. I just mind the time away from my home. It is a funny thing, the money that was supposed to pay off bills hasn't. Yes, it has done some good - I have felt freer about buying fabric! And boy have I.
I will be cutting back on my hours in the next week or two and if that doesn't help me get caught up, I will quit.
Anyway, I have missed blogging and I vow to myself to blog at least 3 or 4 times a week.
I have been busy and have gotten a few things accomplished. My friend Lisa gave me some of her "scraps," I made a child's quilt. I will post a photo of it later. It will be donated to a new half-way house that has opened here in Buckhannon.

I am participating in a Round Robin with 4 other members of my quilt guild. We are starting with squares and I hope our next round will be full quilts. I added the cream and red boarder.

We played an ugly fabric game during the quilt guild's November meeting. We each brought a yard of ugly fabric and then passed it around the table. It was like playing musical chairs with fabric. We would tear the piece we received in half and then pass it along when the music started again. We each ended up with 6 or 7 pieces of fabric, the last being a 4 inch square. Then came the challenge - make something with the "ugly" fabric and only add 2 of your own fabrics. Here it what I came up with. It is not the best thing I have ever made, but I wouldn't consider it ugly either!

Well, I am off to watch the movie, Black Swan. It looks soooo good. Hope you all have a good weekend. I will be back soon!
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